Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Insanity sets in!

Yes its true, I have started the 60 day Insanity Workout Challenge...and today sees me successfully finishing week 1.
I have set up a sister blog to record my progress throughout this challenge so please visit here for daily updates on how I am getting on! It would also be great to hear from anyone else who is also doing the Insanity challenge...

Thursday, May 09, 2013


I have recently been doing lots of walking and I am loving it. I am trying to get out most days for at least an hour and then trying to do at least one longer walk each week too (currently the longest walk I have done is 11 miles). I would like to increase this longer one over the coming weeks as I am thinking of doing a walking event challenge, probably one organised by the Long Distance Walkers Association, which is likely to be 20 miles or more! Has anyone done one of these events and if so, would you recommend it?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Following Charlie being revived after a long absence!

To say I have been quiet on here of late is an understatement but the time feels right just now to revive 'Following Charlie'; it also coincides with a very positive and happy time in my life, where I have started on a journey to better health and fitness as well as changing my eating habits, walking loads and generally enjoying the great outdoors. So please pop by every now and then and say hello or stay for a while, you will always be welcome :-)